SystemVerilog Procedural Blocks:

Procedural blocks in SystemVerilog are used to describe the behavior of a digital design at the algorithmic level. They provide a mechanism to specify a sequence of operations that execute over time.

Types of Procedural Blocks:

  1. Always Block:

    • Executes continuously, reacting to changes in its sensitivity list.
    • Can be used to model combinational and sequential logic.


    always @(sensitivity_list) begin
        // Procedural statements

    Sensitivity List:

    • Can include signals, clock edges, or level-sensitive events.
    • Common sensitivity lists:
      • @(posedge clk): Positive edge of the clock signal.
      • @(negedge clk): Negative edge of the clock signal.
      • @(*): Sensitivity to any change in any signal in the sensitivity list.
      • @(posedge clk or negedge rst): Positive edge of the clock or negative edge of the reset.
  2. Initial Block:

    • Executes only once at the beginning of simulation.
    • Often used for initialization purposes.


    initial begin
        // Procedural statements

Procedural Statements:

  • Blocking Assignments (<=): Assign a value to a variable immediately.
  • Non-blocking Assignments (=): Schedule an assignment to take effect at the end of the current time step.
  • Event Control Statements:
    • #delay: Delay for a specified number of time units.
    • ##delay: Delay for a specified number of delta cycles.
  • Conditional Statements: if-else statements.
  • Loop Statements: for, while, and forever loops.
  • Procedural Continuous Assignments: Assign a value to a variable continuously, similar to a continuous assignment in a module.


module simple_counter(
    input clk,
    input rst,
    output reg [3:0] count

always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
    if (rst)
        count <= 0;
        count <= count + 1;


Key Points:

  • Timing Control: The #delay and ##delay statements are used to control the timing of operations within a procedural block.
  • Blocking vs. Non-blocking Assignments: Understanding the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments is crucial for writing correct and efficient SystemVerilog code.
  • Sensitivity Lists: The sensitivity list determines when an always block is triggered.
  • Procedural Continuous Assignments: These assignments are useful for modeling combinational logic and driving signals continuously.